process_losgatos and process_gasmet are special cases of the general process_chamber with preconfigured settings.

process_chamber(data = NULL, meta = NULL, analyzer, pre = FALSE)

process_losgatos(data, meta, ..., pre = FALSE)

process_gasmet(data, meta, ..., pre = FALSE)



Data frame. Recorded data from device.


Data frame. Metadata containing required informations.


Set of setup mappings created by analyzer. The specified name value pairs will override default settings.


If FALSE (the default), flux processing will be executed. If TRUE flux processing will be skipped and preprocessed data frame will be returned.


additional parameters.


A tibble

  • F_LM: Flux (linear model)

  • LM_r2: R² of linear model fit

  • F_RLM: Flux (robust linear model)

  • RLM_r2: R² of robust linear model fit


Data from gas analyzer is split into chunks according to entries in meta files. For each chunk, flux is calculated by fitting linear models and robust linear models (lmRob).


# Process custom analyzer # see `vignette("lyzr")` for more details about the options custom_analyzer <- analyzer( #define datastructure time_stamp = "Time", conc_columns = c(CH4 = "[CH4]_ppm", CO2 = "[CO2]_ppm"), pressure = "GasP_torr", pressure_factor = 1.33322, temperature = "AmbT_C", trimmer = trim_time, # define metadata structure plot = "plot", date = "date", start = "start", end = "end", #define chamber dimensions V = 0.01461, A = 0.098 ) # Compute fluxes cc_flux <- process_chamber( # specify data data = losgatos, meta = meta_losgatos, #specify analyzer analyzer = custom_analyzer ) # Process LosGatos lg_flux <- process_losgatos(losgatos, meta_losgatos) # Process LosGatos with custom chamber dimensions lg_flux <- process_losgatos(losgatos, meta_losgatos, V = 2, A = 3) # Process GASMET gm_flux <- process_gasmet(gasmet, meta_gasmet)
#> End of interval determined by number of observations. Count = 10
#> Using temperature from meta file. Column = temp